

Thursday, 27 October 2011


Now, I tried to make a small dictionary from English to Japanese. I'm so sorry about the mistakes. I hope it could help you.

I                                                     : Watashi
I am Allen                                       : Watashi wa Allen/Aren desu(Aren: Allen, it's changing because of the 
                                                         Japanese speech)
Happy Birthday                               : O-tanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu
Merry Christmas                              : Kurisumasu wa Omedeto gozaimasu
Happy New Year                            : Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu
You(singular)                                  : Anata
He                                                  : Kare
She                                                 : Kanojo
They                                               : Karera wa
You(plural)                                      : Anata wa
God                                                 : Kami-sama
Greetings                                         : Aisatsu
Good morning                                  : Ohayou gozaimasu
Good afternoon                                : Konnichiwa
Good evening                                   : Konbanwa
Good night                                       : Oyasumi nasai
How are you?                                  : Ogenki desu ka?
I'm fine. And you?                            : Genki desu. Anata wa?
I'm fine too                                       : Watashi mo genki desu
Goodbye                                           : Sayoonara
See you tomorrow                            : Mata ashita
I love you(informal)                          : Aishiteru
I love you (formal)                           : Watashi wa anata ni aishite imasu
Thanks (informal)                             : Arigatoo
Thanks (formal)                               : Arigatoo gozaimasu
You're welcome                               : Doo itashimashite
Sorry                                               : Gomenasai
Excuse me, pardon                            : Sumimasen
But                                                  : Soredemo
Yes                                                : Hai
No                                                  : Iie
How do you do?                               : Hajimemashite
Hello                                                 : Moshi-moshi
I understand                                      : Wakarimashita
I don't understand                               : Wakarimasen
I don't know                                      : Shirimasen
Family                                               : Kazoku
Grandpa                                             : Sofu
Grandma                                            : Sobo
Father                                               : Otousan
Mother                                               : Okaasan
Uncle                                                 : Oji
Aunt                                                 : Obasan
Elder brother                                    : Niisan
Elder sister                                        : Neesan
younger brother                                : Ototousan
Younger sister                                : Imotousan
School                                                : Gakko
Senior                                         : Senpai
Junior                                           : KÔhai
Teacher                                                   : Sensei
Student                                                  : Seito
Principal                                  : KÔhcÔ
Mark                                                   : Kachi
Animal                                          : Hoshi
Insect                                              : Mushi
Dog                                                 : Inu
Cat                                                 : Neko
Scorpion                                         : Sasori
Fish                                                     : Mizu
Bird                                               : Kaaru
Crab                                               : Kani
Monkey                                           : Saru
Horse                                              : Uma
Sheep                                            : Ushi
Color                                              : Iro
Red                                               : Akai
Yellow                                           : Kiiroi
Green                                            : Midori
Blue                                              : Aoi
Pink                                               : Ai
Purple                                           : Murasaki
Grey                                              : Kurai
Black                                             : Kuroi
White                                              : Shiroi
Country                                          : Kuni
Japan                                             : Nihon
Netherland                                      : Oranda
France                                           : Furansu
England                                            : Igirisu
Germany                                          : Doitsu
Italy                                                 : Itaria
China                                                : Chuugoku
Indonesia                                          : Indoneshia
Australia                                            : Ôsutoraria

Rusia                                                 : Roshia

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

The Tradition of Drinking Tea in Various Countries

In the tradition of drinking tea in China, there are two containers that are used, which is a glass and a bowl. Glass works to smell the fragrance of tea, while the bowl serves tea to drink water.
They make tea together, put the tea leaves to cover the basic circle of red clay pots are porous meeting on larger bowl, then pour boiling water to overflow. The overflowing of the water will be accommodated in the large bowl. Then the pot was closed for about two minutes and after boiling, the tea is poured into a glass so the guests to smell the tea from a glass as a sign of respect to the host, then they can drink tea together.
This process is repeated with different types of tea
Until now, the Japanese still have the tea ceremony that lasted for four hours. The ceremony was introduced by Nio Mon Rikyu in the 16th century. Tea ceremony (sado, chado) is a traditional Japanese ritual of serving tea to guests.
The tea used is the Matcha tea (made from powdered green tea are ground fine) or a type of sencha green tea. Tea ceremony by using the Matcha called matchado, while the ceremony is called Sencha using the senchado
The specially prepared by people who study the art of tea ceremony. Usually the tea is enjoyed by a group of guests in a special room called Chashitsu.
Tea was introduced in England around the year 1652 and continued to increase in consumption since the year 1767.
The beverage is considered as prestigious as it is a noble beverage, so the price was expensive. One of the royal tea fans was Prince Charles II and his wife, Catherine de Braganza. From this royal family, tea then was known to the several states and adopted by the English family
The drinking habits in the UK is still going on until now and there are two types of ceremonies, the weak tea that is served during the day in meetings with families and served snacks, and a strong tea that is served in the morning in the breakfast together with bread with jam or marmalade, sandwiches or other foods.

The Russians people were introduced to tea since the 17th century. They drank tea in standing position, following the western tradition.
The equipment that are used is the samovar kettle (formerly known to make drink spiced honey), similar to the Mongols kettle.
Water boiled in the samovar kettle first with a stove and charcoal. While waiting for water to boil, they heat the teapot. Then they put the tea leaves into “zavarca”, and after the water boils, it is poured on to the “zavarca” until the leaves drowned. The tea than is poured in silver goblets. To enjoy it, Russians usually put one tablespoon of jam or white sugar and lemon. Tea is usually also served with sweet cookies.
One of the rules in drinking tea which is done by Korean is sitting with his legs folded back.
The host prepares the tea, then shares it to the guests, while guests are allowed to add more and more a small cup of tea if their glasses are empty. When it comes to drinking, all of the guests should raise a small cup with both hands holding the position of the cup. While they put the cup on the table, they slowly placed their left hand in their thigh, and the right hand put the tea cup.
Tea leaves that are used by some of the Korean are the tea leaves that appear first and the youngest, while the tea leaves that are now widely used is green tea, yellow tea and ginseng tea which is readily available in the market. The tea leaves then are sliced and immediately brewed a few times as desired.

Tradisi Minum Teh di Berbagai Negara

1. Tradisi minum teh di China
Dalam tradisi minum teh di China, ada dua wadah yang digunakan., yaitu sebuah gelas dan sebuah mangkuk. Gelas berfungsi untuk menghirup aroma teh, sedangkan mangkuk berfungsi untuk meminum air teh.
Mereka membuat teh secara bersama-sama. Daun teh dimasukkan hingga menutupi lingkaran dasar poci tanah liat merah yang berpori rapat diatas mangkuk lebih besar, lalu dituangi air mendidih hingga meluber. Air yang meluber itu akan tertampung di mangkuk besar itu. Kemudian poci ditutup sekitar dua menit dan setelah mendidih, teh dituang ke dalam gelas sehingga tamu menghirup aroma teh dari gelas sebagai tanda penghormatan pada tuan rumah. Setelah itu, barulah teh bisa diminum bersama-sama.
Proses ini dilakukan secara berulang dengan jenis teh berbeda-beda
2. Tradisi minum teh di Jepang
Hingga saat ini di Jepang masih terdapat upacara minum teh yang berlangsung selama empat jam. Upacara ini diperkenalkan Sen Nio Rikyu pada abad ke-16. Upacara minum teh ( sado, chado) adalah ritual tradisional Jepang dalam menyajikan teh untuk tamu.
Teh yang dipakai ialah teh Matcha (terbuat dari bubuk teh hijau yang digiling halus) atau the hijau jenis sencha. Upacara teh dengan menggunakan the Matcha disebut matchado, sedangkan upacara the menggunakan the Sencha dinamakan senchado
Teh disiapkan secara khusus oleh orang yang mendalami seni upacara minum teh. Biasanya teh tersebut dinikmati sekelompok tamu di ruangan khusus yang disebut Chashitsu.
3.  Budaya Minum teh di Inggris  
Teh di Inggris diperkenalkan sekitar tahun 1652 dan terus mengalami peningkatan konsumsi semenjak tahun 1767.
The dianggap sebagai minuman yang bergengsi karena merupakan minuman bangsawan sehingga harganya pun mahal. Salah satu bangsawan penggemar minuman teh adalah Pangeran Charles II dan istrinya, Catherine de Braganza. Dari bangsawan-bangasawan inilah the dikenal hingga ke beberapa negara dan ditiru oleh para keluarga Inggris
Kebiasaan minum the di Inggris masih berlangsung sampai sekarang dan terdapat dua jenis upacara, yaitu teh encer yang disajikan siang hari dalam pertemuan keluarga dan dihidangkan bersama makanan kecil, dan ada teh kental yang disajikan dipagi hari dalam acara sarapan pagi bersama dengan roti yang berselai, sandwich atau makanan lainnya

4. Budaya Minum Teh di Rusia:
Orang Rusia mengenal teh sejak abad ke-17. Mereka minum teh sambil berdiri, mengikuti tradisi barat.
Peralatan yang dipakai adalah ketel samovar (dulu dikenal untuk membuat minuman madu berempah), mirip ketel orang Mongol..
Air dididihkan terlebih dahulu di ketel samovar dengan tungku dan arang. Sambil menunggu air mendidih, poci teh dipanaskan. Lalu daun teh dimasukkan zavarka, setelah mendidih dituangkan pada zavarka hingga daun tenggelam.
Air teh lalu dituangkan dalam gelas-gelas perak. Untuk menikmatinya, dimasukkan satu sendok selai atau gula putih dan ditetesi lemon.
Biasanya teh disajikan dengan kue-kue manis.

5. Budaya Minum Teh di Korea :
Salah satu aturan minum teh yang dilakukan masyarakat Korea adalah duduk dengan kedua kaki dilipat ke belakang.
Tuan rumah mempersiapkan teh.lalu membagikan kepada tamu, sementara tamu dipersilahkan terus menambah teh jika cangkir kecil kosong. Ketika hendak minum, semua yang hadir harus mengangkat cangkir kecil dengan posisi kedua tangan memegang cangkir. Saat meletakkan cangkir dimeja, secara perlahan tangan kini diletakkan dipaha, dan tangan kanan meletakkan cangkir.
Daun teh yang digunakan masyarakat Korea untuk kalangan tertentu berupa daun teh pertama yang muncul dan paling muda, sedangkan daun teh yang kini banyak digunakan adalah daun teh hijau, kuning dan teh ginseng yang mudah didapat dipasaran. Daun teh tersebut kemudian diiris dan langsung diseduh beberapa kali sesuai keinginan


The Choking Dog

     "Come on, come on, move it, idiot!"
     Joanne beat impatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. How stupid to get caught up in the rush hour! She had planned to leave work early this afternoon, at three o'clock, to give herself a chance to relax and have a bath before going out to a meeting of her local tennis club. But just at ten to three a client had arrived, and it was two hours before she had finished dealing with the man. When she came out of her office, all the other staff in the Highlight Advertising Agency had already left. Now she was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30, and at 6:30 she was expected to be chairing a meeting of the tennis club. There would be no time for any hot bath.
     Ahead of her, the traffic was moving at last, and she swung quickly out into the centre lane to turn right, and raced the last half-mile through the quiet suburban streets to her house. Pulling up on the driveway, she leapt out of the car and ran for the house. As she opened the door, she nearly tripped over Sheba, who was standing behind it.
     "Hey, Sheba, hello," she said, bending down to stroke the large alsatian dog's head, "I've got no time for you now, but I'll take you out as soon as I get back from the tennis club."
     It was then that she noticed something worrying about the dog. Sheba seemed to be coughing or choking, her stomach pumping repeatedly as if she was trying to vomit something up. She was obviously in real discomfort and could hardly breathe; her sad eyes gazed up at Joanne helplessly.
     "Oh damn, this is all I need now," said Joanne to herself, dropping her briefcase and bending down to take a closer look, "a sick dog, today of all days!" On closer examination, Sheba did look very sick, and Joanne realised she would have to take her down to the vet immediately. Luckily, the vet's surgery was only a few streets away, and Joanne quickly loaded the dog, still coughing and choking, into her car for the short drive.
     When she got there, the surgery was just about to close for the day. Luckily, Dr. Sterne had not left yet, and when he saw the state of Sheba, he brought her quickly into his office.
     "It looks like something is stuck in her throat," said Dr. Sterne. It shouldn't take me too long to get it out."
   "Listen, doctor, I'm really in a rush to get to a meeting -- can I leave her with you, and go and get changed? I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, then I'll take her on to the meeting with me. Is that OK?"
     "Sure," said the doctor. "You get going. I'll see you in ten minutes."
     Joanne jumped back into her car again, and made the quick trip round to her house in a couple of minutes. As she was once more entering the hallway, the phone on the table by the door began to ring. She picked it up, annoyed by this additional interruption to her plans.
     "This is Dr. Sterne," said an anxious voice. "Is that you, Joanne?"
      "Of course it's me," said Joanne, surprised at the sound of his voice, "no-one else lives here."
      "I want you to get right out of that house immediately," said the doctor's voice. "Right now. I'm coming round right away, and the police will be there any time now. Wait outside for us." The phone went dead. Joanne stared at it. She was confused, but she was also a little frightened by the obvious fear in the voice of the doctor. She replaced the receiver, then quickly backed out of the door and ran into the street.
     At that moment, a police car with its lights flashing swung round the corner and screeched to a stop outside the house. Two policemen got out. After briefly checking that she was the owner of the house, they ran into the house through the still open door, without explaining anything. Joanne was by now completely confused and very frightened. Then the doctor arrived.
     "Where's Sheba? Is she OK?" shouted Joanne, running over to his car.
     "She's fine, Joanne. I extracted the thing which was choking her, and she's OK now."
     "Well what's this all about? Why are the police in my house?"
     Just then, the two policemen reappeared from the house, half-carrying a white-faced figure, a man in a dark grey sweater and jeans, who, it seemed, could hardly walk. There was blood all over him.
     "My God," said Joanne, "how did he get in there? And how did you know he was there?"
     "I think he must be a burglar," said the doctor. "I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba's throat, it turned out to be three human fingers. I don't think he's a very happy burglar."

The Death Car

    It was a cold night in September. The rain was drumming on the car roof as George and Marie Winston drove through the empty country roads towards the house of their friends, the Harrisons, where they were going to attend a party to celebrate the engagement of the Harrisons' daughter, Lisa. As they drove, they listened to the local radio station, which was playing classical music.
     They were about five miles from their destination when the music on the radio was interrupted by a news announcement:
     "The Cheshire police have issued a serious warning after a man escaped from Colford Mental Hospital earlier this evening. The man, John Downey, is a murderer who killed six people before he was captured two years ago. He is described as large, very strong and extremely dangerous. People in the Cheshire area are warned to keep their doors and windows locked, and to call the police immediately if they see anyone acting strangely."
     Marie shivered. "A crazy killer. And he's out there somewhere. That's scary."
     "Don't worry about it," said her husband. "We're nearly there now. Anyway, we have more important things to worry about. This car is losing power for some reason -- it must be that old problem with the carburetor. If it gets any worse, we'll have to stay at the Harrisons' tonight and get it fixed before we travel back tomorrow."
     As he spoke, the car began to slow down. George pressed the accelerator, but the engine only coughed. Finally they rolled to a halt, as the engine died completely. Just as they stopped, George pulled the car off the road, and it came to rest under a large tree.
     "Blast!" said George angrily. "Now we'll have to walk in the rain."
     "But that'll take us an hour at least," said Marie. "And I have my high-heeled shoes and my nice clothes on. They'll be ruined!"
     "Well, you'll have to wait while I run to the nearest house and call the Harrisons. Someone can come out and pick us up," said George.
     "But George! Have you forgotten what the radio said? There's a homicidal maniac out there! You can't leave me alone here!"
     "You'll have to hide in the back of the car. Lock all the doors and lie on the floor in the back, under this blanket. No-one will see you. When I come back, I'll knock three times on the door. Then you can get up and open it. Don't open it unless you hear three knocks." George opened the door and slipped out into the rain. He quickly disappeared into the blackness.
     Marie quickly locked the doors and settled down under the blanket in the back for a long wait. She was frightened and worried, but she was a strong-minded woman. She had not been waiting long, however, when she heard a strange scratching noise. It seemed to be coming from the roof of the car.
     Marie was terrified. She listened, holding her breath. Then she heard three slow knocks, one after the other, also on the roof of the car. Was it her husband? Should she open the door? Then she heard another knock, and another. This was not her husband. It was somebody -- or something -- else. She was shaking with fear, but she forced herself to lie still. The knocking continued -- bump, bump, bump, bump.
     Many hours later, as the sun rose, she was still lying there. She had not slept for a moment. The knocking had never stopped, all night long. She did not know what to do. Where was George? Why had he not come for her?
     Suddenly, she heard the sound of three or four vehicles, racing quickly down the road. All of them pulled up around her, their tires screeching on the road. At last! Someone had come! Marie sat up quickly and looked out of the window.
     The three vehicles were all police cars, and two still had their lights flashing. Several policemen leapt out. One of them rushed towards the car as Marie opened the door. He took her by the hand.
     "Get out of the car and walk with me to the police vehicle. miss. You're safe now. Look straight ahead. Keep looking at the police car. Don't look back. Just don't look back."
     Something in the way he spoke filled Marie with cold horror. She could not help herself. About ten yards from the police car, she stopped, turned and looked back at the empty vehicle.
     George was hanging from the tree above the car, a rope tied around his neck. As the wind blew his body back and forth, his feet were bumping gently on the roof of the car -- bump, bump, bump, bump.

A Tulip

Story by: Maria Teresa Novarina and her beloved sister
Translator : Jessica Gloriana
Once upon a time, there was a Tulip which lived in a dark house without any light and water. The Tulip was lonely. It does not have any friend and the owner of the house didn’t give any attention. Until one day, the owner of the house moved to her new house because that house was dark and there were many mice in the house.
            One day, a mouse walked down and kept its food in a pot beside the tulip which was still filled with soil. The Tulip saw it. After 5 days, the Tulip was sick because it didn’t get enough light and water. But the Tulip didn’t know why it’s self became sick and what did it should do. The Tulip felt so bad.
            In the morning, someone knocked the door and the Tulip said “Who are you?” “I’m the sunbeam. May I in?” the sunbeam answered. “No, you may not! I’m sick! Don’t disturb me!” the Tulip was so angry. “Maybe I can make you fell better.” the sunbeam said. “No! I don’t need your help!” said the Tulip. Finally, the sun beam left out from the house.
            5 hours after the sunbeam left the Tulip, someone knocked the door. “Who is that?” the Tulip asked. “I’m the raindrop. May I in?” the raindrop answered. “No, you may not! I’m sick! Don’t disturb me!” the Tulip said the same words when the sunbeam went to the house. “Maybe I can help you” the raindrop said. “Aaarrrrggghhhh! I’m sick and I don’t want anyone disturb me! Now, leave this house!” the Tulip was very-very angry. Finally, the raindrop left out from the house.
            In the next day, the Tulip felt worse than yesterday. Even, its leaves couldn’t be moved. Suddenly, someone knocked the door. “Who?” the Tulip asked. “We are the sunbeam and the raindrop.” they were answer.  “Why do you come to here? I have said if I’m sick and I don’t want anyone disturb me!” said the Tulip. “We want to help you!” said the sunbeam. “I think you can’t help me. Even I don’t know what happened with me and what I should do!” the Tulip was so angry. “Okay, let make an agreement. If we can’t help you, we won’t go back to here again. Tell us what do you want, we will help you.” told the raindrop.
            ”Okay, I want to be healthy and I hope for some friends.” the Tulip answered. “We can do it!” said the Sunbeam and the Raindrop. The sunbeam is rising and the Raindrop watering the Tulip. The Tulip felt better.
            “Now, where is the seed of your friends?” “A mouse put it in that pot” the Tulip said. “Okay. They will grow in 3 days if we may come to this house.” “Okay, you may come to this house every time. Thank you for your help. Bye…”
            After 3 days, some new Tulips have grown. The Tulip felt so happy because now it has many friends.

Christmas Celebration in Various Countries

Mexican people celebrate Christmas by holding the festival for 9 days. Every night there is an attraction of many different families with children headed by carrying a statue of Jesus, Mary and Joseph are made from clay. They walked into homes that are establish pusada (read: party) and sing Christmas carols. Meanwhile, some of them were trying to break a doll made of clay hung in the ceiling) so that all participants will be given plenty of candy and prizes from the handmade puppet.
Holiday begins on December 6, where the children gathered to wait for the arrival of St. Nicholas (Santa Claus) and his assistant named Krampus (or Black Piet). On Christmas Eve, the fish is the main menu family dinner, then proceed with the distribution of prizes where the whole family gathers around the Christmas tree which has been decorated with lights and candied plums.
Most of the dweller in Liberia doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but they decorate their homes with palm tree decorated with red bells and singing Christmas carols.
Christian Children in China and home decorate their Christmas tree with lanterns and flowers from paper. The lantern reminds them of Jesus, the Light of the world.

Christmas in Australia fell in the summer. Therefore, many shades of Christmas activities are done in the pool, beach, or shopping center. Cricket game that started the day after Christmas and rowboat races (yacht) from Sydney to Hobart in Sydney Harbor are two important sporting events which is held every Christmas. However, the Christian families in Australia are also taking time to gather and eat together on Christmas Eve.

Perayaan Natal di Berbagai Negara

1. Natal di Meksiko:
Orang Meksiko merayakan Natal dengan menggelar festival selama 9 hari. Setiap malam tampil atraksi dari berbagai keluarga yang berbeda dengan dipimpin oleh anak kecil yang membawa patung Yesus, Maria dan Yusuf yang terbuat dari tanah liat. Mereka berjalan ke rumah-rumah yang sedang melangsungkan pusada (baca: pesta) dan menyanyikan lagu-lagu Natal. Sementara itu beberapa orang dari mereka berusaha memecahkan boneka yang terbuat dari tanah liat yang tergantung di langit-langit rumah) sehingga seluruh peserta akan dihujani dengan berbagai permen dan hadiah dari dalam boneka buatan tersebut.
2. Natal di Austria:
Liburan dimulai tanggal 6 Desember dimana anak-anak berkumpul untuk menunggu kedatangan St. Nicholas (Santa Claus) beserta asistennya yang bernama Krampus (atau Piet Hitam). Pada malam Natal, ikan merupakan menu utama makan malam keluarga. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan acara pembagian hadiah dimana seluruh anggota keluarga mengitari pohon Natal yang telah dihiasi dengan lampu dan manisan buah plum.
3. Natal di Liberia:
Kebanyakan penduduk di Liberia tidak merayakan Natal, tetapi mereka menghias rumah mereka dengan sebatang pohon palem yang dihiasi lonceng merah dan menyanyikan lagu Natal.
4. Natal di China:
Anak-anak Kristen di Cina menghias rumah dan pohon Natal mereka dengan lentera dan bunga-bunga dari kertas. Lentera itu mengingatkan mereka akan Yesus, Sang Terang dunia.

5. Natal di Australia:
Natal di Australia jatuh pada musim panas. Karena itu, banyak aktivitas bernuansa Natal yang mereka lakukan di kolam renang, pantai, atau pusat perbelanjaan. Permainan kriket yang dimulai sehari sesudah Natal dan perlombaan perahu dayung (yacht) dari Sydney ke Hobart di Pelabuhan Sydney adalah dua acara olah raga penting yang diadakan tiap Natal. Namun, keluarga Kristen di Australia biasanya juga meluangkan waktu untuk berkumpul dan makan bersama di malam Natal.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

majas (gaya bahasa)

I. Majas Perbandingan
1.       Simile               : Majas perumpamaan atau asosiasi. Kata kuncinya, terdapat kata: bagai, bak, laksana, seperti, ibarat
2.       Alegori             : Jarang dipakai dalam bentuk kalimat. Biasanya digunakan dalam satu cerita secara utuh
3.       Personifikasi     : Majas perorangan atau penginsanan (memanusiakan sesuatu)
4.       Metafora          : Membandingkan sifat yang dimiliki antara manusia dan sesuatu yang bukan manusia

II. Majas Pertentangan
1.       Hiperbola          : Melebih-lebihkan, mempertentangkan kenyataan dan perkataan.
2.       Litotes              : Merendah-rendahkan, lawan dari  hiperbola
3.       Ironi                 : a. Ironi Sinisme            : Menyindir secara halus
 b.Ironi Sarkasme         : Menyindir secara kasar
4.   Sinedoke           : a. Sinedoke pars pro toto          : Sebagian untuk mewakili seluruhnya
 b. Sinedoke totem pro parte     : Seluruhnya untuk mewakili sebagian
5.   Antitesis           : Perbandingan dalam bentuk frase
6.   Paradoks          : Majas yang seolah-olah bertentangan, namun sebenarnya tidak bertentangan

III. Majas Pertautan
1.   Metonimia         : Majas pengganti nama
2.   Antonomasia     : Menautkan sesuatu dengan ciri yang dimiliki
3.   Eufemisme        : Penghalus maksud

IV. Majas Perulangan
1.   Repetisi            : Majas pengulangan
2.   Pleonasme        : Manjelaskan/menegaskan sesuatu yang sebenarnya tak diperlukan


Sekarang, saya mencoba menyediakan kamus bahasa Jepang. Bagi para pembaca yang ingin mempelajari bahasa dari Negeri Matahari Terbit ini, semoga rubrik ini membantu kalian!

Saya                                                     : Watashi
Saya adalah Allen                                  : Watashi wa Allen desu
Selamat ulang tahun                               : O-tanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu
Selamat Natal                                       : Kurisumasu wa Omedeto gozaimasu
Selamat Tahun Baru                              : Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu
Kamu                                                   : Anata
Dia (laki-laki)                                        : Kare
Dia (perempuan)                                   : Kanojo
Mereka                                                 : Karera wa
Kalian                                                   : Anata wa
Dewa, Tuhan                                        : Kami-sama
Salam                                                   : Aisatsu
Selamat pagi                                         : Ohayou gozaimasu
Selamat siang                                        : Konnichiwa
Selamat sore/malam                              : Konbanwa
Selamat malam (sebelum tidur)               : Oyasumi nasai
Apa kabar?                                           : Ogenki desu ka?
Baik. Bagaimana dengan anda?              : Genki desu. Anata wa?
Saya juga baik                                       : Watashi mo genki desu
Selamat tinggal                                      : Sayoonara
Sampai ketemu besok                            : Mata ashita
Saya cinta kamu (informal)                    : Aishiteru
Saya cinta kamu (formal)                       : Watashi wa anata ni aishite imasu
Terima kasih (informal)                          : Arigatoo
Terima kasih (formal)                            : Arigatoo gozaimasu
Sama-sama                                           : Doo itashimashite
Maaf                                                    : Gomenasai
Permisi                                                 : Sumimasen
Tapi                                                      : Soredemo
Ya                                                        : Hai
Tidak                                                    : Iie
Salam kenal                                          : Hajimemashite
Halo (di telepon)                                    : Moshi-moshi
Saya mengerti                                       : Wakarimashita
Saya tidak mengerti                               : Wakarimasen
Saya tidak tahu                                      : Shirimasen
Keluarga                                               : Kazoku
Kakek                                                  : Sofu
Nenek                                                  : Sobo
Ayah                                                    : Otousan
Ibu                                                       : Okaasan
Paman                                                  : Oji
Bibi                                                      : Obasan
Kakak (laki-laki)                                    : Niisan
Kakak (perempuan)                               : Neesan
Adik (laki-laki)                                      : Ototousan
Adik (perempuan)                                 : Imotousan
Sekolah                                                 : Gakko
Kakak kelas                                          : Senpai
Adik kelas                                             : KÔhai
Guru                                                     : Sensei
Murid                                                   : Seito
Kepala Sekolah                                     : KÔhcÔ
Nilai                                                     : Kachi
Binatang                                               : Hoshi
Serangga                                              : Mushi
Anjing                                                   : Inu
Kucing                                                  : Neko
Kalajengking                                         : Sasori
Musang                                                            : Itachi
Ikan                                                      : Mizu
Burung                                                 : Kaaru
Kepiting                                                : Kani
Kera                                                     : Saru
Kuda                                                    : Uma
Lembu                                                  : Ushi
Warna                                                  : Iro
Merah                                                  : Akai
Kuning                                                  : Kiiroi
Hijau                                                    : Midori
Biru                                                      : Aoi
Nila                                                      : Ai
Ungu                                                    : Murasaki
Abu-abu                                               : Kurai
Hitam                                                   : Kuroi
Putih                                                     : Shiroi
Negara                                                 : Kuni
Jepang                                                  : Nihon
Belanda                                                : Oranda
Prancis                                                 : Furansu
Inggris                                                  : Igirisu
Jerman                                                 : Doitsu
Italia                                                     : Itaria
Cina                                                     : Chuugoku
Indonesia                                              : Indoneshia
Australia                                               : Ôsutoraria

Rusia                                                    : Roshia